Erasmus + Chain reaction Project – partial evaluation sum up (pdf 132 kB)
The general objective of the project is to improve the competence of 110 teachers in the area of conducting attractive lessons for students. Another goal will be to promote, among a group of teachers, students and their parents, a bicycle as a healthy, ecological and attractive means for acquiring school knowledge. The aim of the project will also be to motivate students to learn foreign languages, as knowledge of them is essential in today’s job market. The active use of English, which will be the language of the project, will cause students to break the language barrier, shyness and fear of contact with people from other countries, enrich the vocabulary and learn to use English in everyday situations. The next goal will be to familiarize with local customs, the region and people living in partner countries, as well as expanding cultural awareness, learning tolerance and openness. In addition to broadening knowledge about other countries and learning about their natural environment, students and teachers will have the opportunity to exchange experiences and promote knowledge about other cultures, their similarities and differences. They will develop a sense of being part of Europe, understand cultural differences, develop respect for others, change perceptions and ideas about another country and combat stereotypes, racism and xenophobia.