
logo erasmus+ oraz flagi Bułgarii, Chorwacji, Łotwy, Polski, Rumunii

School No. 7 in Buzau. Buzau is located in the south-east of Romania. It has 150,000 inhabitants. The school was founded in 1991, it is surrounded by blocks of flats, but has a large courtyard to play. In our school, 1067 children learn every day in 2 shifts: There are 56 teachers in the school to motivate students to learn and offer high quality lessons.

We have 27 classrooms, a library, a clinic and laboratories for learning: chemistry, biology, physics and computer science. Our students learn 2 foreign languages: English and French. All classes have access to the Internet.

Teachers and students take part in many local projects, but also in many international, eg Eco School and Erasmus + „Stem by Art”. We work with other schools in the city and with important institutions, such as: City Museum, Vegetable Research Center, water pool and cultural centers. We participate in sports and artistic competitions and have noticed that our students are more involved in active learning. They prefer to learn outside or through experiments instead of staying in class and writing a lesson in their notebooks. Our students come from different types of families.

We believe that teachers’ mission is to encourage them to develop their skills and find solutions for lack of motivation, leaving school early, for children with learning difficulties, and even for lazy students. We want to integrate all our students into the project.